Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Generation) on a modern home's front door.

Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Gen) Recall

On November 10, 2020, Ring determined that the battery for Video Doorbell (2nd Generation) can overheat if the incorrect screws were used for installation, posing fire and burn hazards. You do not need to return your device, as we have provided an updated user manual and option to receive security screw replacements.

If you used the correct security screws (shown in the user manual) to install your Video Doorbell (2nd Gen), there is no risk to you, your home, or business and you can continue using your device normally.

Resources available to you

Check to make sure your doorbell device is a Video Doorbell (2nd Gen).

  1. Open the Ring app.
  2. On the main dashboard, tap the
    more icon (•••)
    on your doorbell video preview tile.
  3. Tap your device's
  4. Tap
    Device Health
  5. Under Device Details, you can see if your doorbell is Video Doorbell (2nd Gen) or not.

Get the latest user manual.

We've updated the user manual for Video Doorbell (2nd Gen) to include improved instructions when installing the device with the security screw.

Download Now

Get spare parts.

Can't find your security screws? We'll send you a replacement kit at no cost to you. 

Learn More

Chat with Customer Support.

If you think you've installed your Video Doorbell (2nd Gen) incorrectly, we recommend to chat with our Customer Support Team.

Chat Now

Last updated 8 months ago